Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Goodbye U.S.A.

We both thought that saying goodbye to friends and family would be hard, but boy was it easy...

Just kidding. We appreciate all that everyone has done for us as we get ready to embark on an incredible adventure. We thank you all for providing your love and support. We also thank you for increasing the size of our..wallets. We will keep in mind the sound advice some have imparted on us. Such as, watching out for each other, keeping an open mind, be safe, and not to come back with any diseases. We thank you again.

We still are not completely packed. You would think two handsome college graduates like ourselves would have learned not to procrastinate for 40K a year. I assure the ones who contributed to our college tuitions that the education did not go to waste and that we work more efficiently under pressure.

Tonight a few of us head to the armpit of america, New Jersey (no offense chris or any other jersey folks), to the cliffs at rockefeller lookout in englewood. The cliffs are 300 or so feet high and are on the banks of the hudson river overlooking downtown manhattan, the always wonderful GW Bridge, the beautiful city of Yonkers and most of Westchester County.

This is the last blog before we leave the states on a 520pm flight to Rome, where we then board another flight to Tunis, Tunisia. Total flight time is around 10 hours, we arrive at about 10am on Friday the 30th of June. We will post a few pictures from the get together we had on sunday, along with this blog. We await tomorrow with fragile nerves and great anticipation. See you in Tunisia.

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease,

James and Mark

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Beginning...

Had a an awesome get together of the Du moulin-Berenback-Ashley-Yesko-Morea clan. Mark made a "dank" fruit salad. Ann and Emily were instrumental in putting the event together and we appreciate what they did to make this happen.